
A software blog

13 Apr

Why Rules Rule

I have to admit, I love rules. They go against my nature to the core, but they are some of the most valuable institutions I put into my life, both personally and professionally. Rules are all around us.  We follow so many of them each day and don?t even recognize how valuable they are, because […]

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13 Apr

Using VSDBCMD to deploy an Entity Framework (EF) CodeFirst (or any other) database to AppHarbor

If you?ve taken the jump to try out the new Entity Framework Code First and you?re allowing it to generate your database for you, you?ve most certainly run into the lack of migrations/updating existing schema support. Currently EF Code First will only create a database and won?t update a database with changes necessary to bring […]

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12 Apr

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – Some Node.js Goodies

Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules Node Version Management with n Implementing Events BDD Style Unit Tests with Jasmine-Node Sprinkled With Some Should ?node_modules? Folders   Pumping Data Between Streams For this post I want to quickly share […]

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8 Apr

Extended WPF Toolkit Release 1.4.0

It?s that time again.  Time for another release of the Extended WPF Toolkit.  I know it?s only been three short months since the last release, but this release is packed with 11 new controls as well as many bug fixes and updated controls.  I have been working hard to provide the WPF community with a […]

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7 Apr

Pluralcast 39 : T4 with Gareth Jones

Category:General PostTag: :

 Listen here! [41:15] Gareth Jones has chops. Tech chops, that is. He?s been around the .NET community making tools for developers for several years and one of those tools happens to be T4. That?s right, that T4, the Text Template Transformation Toolkit. More of us are stumbling across T4 lately, and after this episode, you […]

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6 Apr

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – Pumping Data Between Streams

Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules Node Version Management with n Implementing Events BDD Style Unit Tests with Jasmine-Node Sprinkled With Some Should ?node_modules? Folders It?s the 10th blog post already in this series on Node.js! And for […]

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5 Apr

The Nancy team adds some awesome to the equation

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

For the past couple of months the number of contributions and modifications to Nancy have really grown in a nice and organic way. During that time it’s started to be a real task to take care of all outstanding work, maintain the community presence, work on documentation and all other things that comes with an […]

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