
A software blog

30 Jul

CreateDelegate<T> – An Exercise in Using Expressions

In a previous blog post I showed a basic example of how to use the Delegate.CreateDelegate() method as an alternative to the slow MethodInfo.Invoke() for dynamically invoking a method of a class at runtime. The only downside of using CreateDelegate is that its not strongly typed. This is usually not a problem when the signature […]

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13 Jul

GeekSpeak 7-14-2010: Local Messaging and Silverlight

If you haven’t noticed lately, I have been pretty quite on the blogs recently.  That is mainly due to my new born baby, and a new job.  Well, I have set aside some time to do a GeekSpeak webcast with Glen Gorden and Mithun Dhar. Here is the episode description: “A powerful feature of Microsoft […]

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11 Jul

Enforce Correct Usage By Wrapping Types

Have you ever written an API or a method and expected it to be used a certain way, but then found people doing all kinds of bad things with your precious API that you never intended? I was working on building an automated testing framework for a welfare system in which cases could be added […]

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