
A software blog

7 Jun

Pluralcast 17 : M, the Modeling Language

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Listen to this episode! [35:36] Microsoft Regional Director and Connected Systems MVP, Steward Celarier joined me for a discussion of M, DSLs, and other things modeling related at the 2010 Seattle Code Camp. If you have heard of the M language and wondered if it was: An AI app that generates the liner notes to […]

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3 Jun

Silverlight 4 Minor Update

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

Today a minor update to Silverlight 4 was released.  This update won’t effect all users, but if you are a media developer you will want to get this update.  For the specifics read KB982926. Developers can update their runtime by downloading and installing the updated Silverlight developer runtime for Windows or Mac.  Any new Silverlight […]

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23 May

Pluralcast 16 : A Software Journeyman’s Journey

Category:General PostTag: :

   Listen to this episode! [34:14]  Liam McLennan is an independent software developer based in Brisbane, Australia. He recently packed  his bags and came to the U.S. to attend some developer community events, but in the week between events traveled across the country pairing with other developers. Liam shares tales of his travels in this […]

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22 May

Silverlight – DataBind to an Anonymous type (Who knew?)

I searched the web for the idea first. I was certain somebody had blogged about this before, and just wanted to quickly confirm it’s truth. Unfortunately all I came across were work-a-rounds and people telling you it’s not possible. So hopefully this post will help the next guy. Since anonymous types are generated in an […]

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