
A software blog

15 Mar

Pluralcast # 11 : Parallel Programming in .NET 4

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Listen to this episode! [51:56] Stephen Toub joined me for a great discussion about the new Parallel Programming features in .NET 4. Formally known as the Parallel Extensions Library for .NET, these new features have graduate from DevLabs and are available out of the box in Visual Studio 2010. These exciting new features in .NET […]

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15 Mar

Silverlight is THE development platform for Windows Phone 7

How cool is that?  Oh, by the way, gaming is supported through the XNA framework. Even better! Lets get started! Windows Phone developer tools CTP (don’t forget the release notes) Who needs some learning material?  I know I do: Getting started with Silverlight and Windows Phone development Windows Phone Application Bar Navigation framework for Windows […]

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15 Mar

Silverlight 4 – News from MIX10

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

This just in from MIX10; well, I just found out anyways.  Silverlight 4 has released the Silverlight 4 RC (release candidate). Want the new stuff? Well, here is how to get it: Visual Studio 2010 RC or Visual Web Developer Express 2010 RC Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 Expression Blend 4 beta Silverlight […]

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14 Mar

I’m writing a MVVM book – What would you like to see in it?

I have started a quest that so many developers do; I am attempting to write a short book on the MVVM development pattern.  When I say short, I mean short.  Probably between 50 – 70 pages, most of it being code and examples.  This is my first attempt at a book and I’m not quite […]

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13 Mar

Asp.Net MVC 2 Areas

I?m looking into the new stuff in Asp.Net MVC 2, trying to figure out what is cool and what is just there.  Areas look like a nice addition.  Areas allow you to separate your Asp.Net MVC application into more distinct partitions.  So all of the Controllers, Models, Views, and even routes belong to one directory […]

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12 Mar

Silverlight 4: Implicit Themes and a Sneak Peek

One of my major gripes with Silverlight 3 is the inability to theme your application.  Currently if you want to style a button for your application you will have to define a style similar to this: <UserControl.Resources> <Style x:Key="myButtonStyle" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue" /> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Green" /> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24" /> </Style> </UserControl.Resources> Then, […]

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