15 Feb

Best Nerd Prank Ever

Is this image really that offensive? Apparently my buddy Brian thought so as it it his head super-imposed on top of this lovely lady’s body. In response to using this image as my IM avatar, Brian pulled off the best prank I have ever been the victim of. Brian got the assistance of our network […]

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13 Feb

Another Open Source Move

In a cost cutting measure, the city of Los Angleles is proposing to drop MS Office in exchange for the open source Open Office, for a proposed savings of $5.2 million. First Brazil, Now L.A. I, myself,  have installed Open Office on our home computer.  I mean, why bother pirating Office when the open source one is […]

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9 Feb

Scott Hanselman

Scott is coming to Boise to the Boise .Net Developers Group.  I have presented a talk on Web Services there myself about 2 years ago and haven’t really attended since. I will be there for this, though. http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ZenofWebServicesJoinmeattheBoiseNETDevelopersUserGroup.aspx

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8 Feb

Nerd Humor

I don’t know where these came from, I assume I am ripping someone off as I got them in an email. Blogs at 6 and 11 Blogs will become so popular that they replace mainstream news sources. In an effort to compete, television journalists will fill the airwaves with stories about their pets and what […]

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5 Feb

Search Your Blog With the Google API

OK, it is time that I gave a little back. Here is my first offering to the community, my search control that I wrote for my blog when it was in .Text. Please feel free to try it and provide feedback, although please understand that this is an early version and should receive improvements soon.  What improvements […]

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