30 Jan

New Slideshows

I just made a couple of slideshows with this freeware tool, JAlbum.  For being free, it was pretty slick.  The UI is a little counter intuitive, but again, it is free.  It is Java based, as the name implies.  Bring your own runtime. Here is a set of images from our recent trip to Cannon […]

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27 Jan


I installed Miguel Jimenez’s CAPTCHA solution last week.  It works, for the most part, but has one single problem that I find unacceptable. When a user mistypes the code, or forgets to enter the code, the postback that occurs loses the test that the user has entered into the other fields of the form.  I […]

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27 Jan

VSS 2005

I was right!  I just learned that I was right by reading the Product Roadmap for VSS.  What I am so happy about is that the roadmap reports the following: Automate Your Team Processes. Use events, such as OnBeforeCheckout or OnAfterCheckIn to automate your process. Leverage the new MSBuild tool by creating custom tasks that […]

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26 Jan

Nerd Charity Auction

This is neat.  A group of 30 or so .Net consultants have banded together to auction 1 hour each of their time to raise money for disaster relief in Sumatra. The auction is live on ebay now.  Need some questions answered for your development team? Bid away.

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26 Jan

Healthwise Team Retreat

So where does your development / technical team go for their team retreats?  If you work for Healthwise here in Boise, you go here.  We are fortunate enough that our team leader, Bob, opens his cabin to us for a sledding, snowmobiling, etc. day each year. Here is the group that attended this year, including […]

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21 Jan

Automated Software Development

Is there a “right” way to build software?  Many of us will say yes.  There are design patterns appropriate to solve almost any programming situation.  There are volumes of information on data layer generation and proper UI practices. If this is true, how far can we really be from merely speaking to Visual Studio and […]

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21 Jan

Which Blog to Use?

Now I am in a quandary.  Tim Haines reports that not only will there soon be a to Community Server conversion tool, but that there is already a to dasBlog conversion tool. I have considered dasBlog many times, but was always put off by not having the time to write a conversion.  Now that Community […]

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