31 Aug

First Class

I attended my first real life class at the University of Phoenix last night. This first class is a “Welcome Back to School” class that you must take in order to attend the real classes. Oddly, it wasn’t awful. I am actually looking forward to this and I just might learn something.

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27 Aug

Another Whidbey Rollout

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1738&e=6&u=/zd/20040826/tc_zd/134166 It looks like MS will be launching another release of Whidbey ( a refresh to Beta 1 ), that includes the Team Services additions. Goody, goody, goody. I will be getting this for sure. I am tempted to set up VSS now. 

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19 Aug

ASP.NET Interview Questions

This is a list of interview questions for ASP.Net programmers that Scott Hanselman posted. This is a good list. Everyone should know these. From constructor to destructor (taking into consideration Dispose() and the concept of non-deterministic finalization), what the are events fired as part of the ASP.NET System.Web.UI.Page life cycle. Why are they important? What […]

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16 Aug

VSS 8.0 and CruiseControl.Net

Craig Andera of Pluralsight recently posted about his CruiseControl.Net experience for FlexWiki. The post itself is interesting, as he has made an attempt at having lowering pain of ownership of CruiseControl.Net in a multi project environment. Lot’s of people ( including me ) have tried to wring simplicity out of this fairly complex system. It […]

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