29 Jul

My Buddy Actually Works

I asked my MS Buddy, Jason, about the lack of the unit testing tools for the official Beta 1 release of Whidbey and he followed up on it. Thanks, Jason. So here is the story:  The unit test components or Visual Studio are built by a separate team from the rest of the framework and studio.  The […]

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28 Jul

Regression Testing a Web Site

It sounds like a simple problem. I have an ASP.Net web site that uses a DB to serve up content using a variety of skins.When a code update is deployed or a new feature is added, I want to regression test the site.  Simple, right? What I Want to Do Use a tool that crawls […]

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24 Jul

MS Buddy Update

My MS Buddy has turned up! I am so relieved to know that he is ok. I sent him a link to this blog so that he would know how worried we all were about him. Thank goodness he is ok. He sent me an email letting me know that he could help me in […]

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22 Jul

Missing Buddy Update

 It is now time to panic. My Microsoft Buddy, Jason, has still not surfaced and is missing for a third day. Although we have still not met, I am sure that it is not in my buddy’s personality to remain out of touch for so long without at least letting me know. To help find […]

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21 Jul

Rebuilding my Laptop

Everyone who is anyone seems to be posting the top 10 programs that they install on their machines. In a vain attempt to become someone, I will tell you what I just put on my fresh XP installation. MS Office ( I really have become a manager) Visual Studio 2003  / MSDN Visio for Ent. […]

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20 Jul

Where’s My Buddy?

It has been over 24 hours since I was told I have a new MS Buddy and I haven’t heard from him yet. I am beginning to worry. While I don’t know my new MS Buddy, Jason yet, I am sure it is not like him to stay out of touch for so long. What […]

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19 Jul

I’m Getting a Buddy!

Microsoft> Buddy by requesting one from from the Microsoft ISV Community.> Here is my Buddy: Jason Hunter Role(s) of: Development Product Expertise in: SQL Server, Visual Studio While I have never met Jason, I look forward to many hours of hanging out at his place playing X-Box and drinking Zema. We’ll go fishing together and […]

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19 Jul

Bye Bye to Mr CIO Guy

Pat Helland wrote and performed a version of Don McClean’s American Pie at TechEd Europe. His version is entitled, “Bye Bye to Mr CIO Guy“. While I laughed until I cried, it was mostly at Pat’s expense, but I am sure he’d be OK with that. His vocal talents are as bad as mine. Don Box […]

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