29 Feb

Entity Framework 5 Beta 1 Available on NuGet

Entity Framework 5 beta is now available on nuget. EF5 includes many long awaited features which were dependent on the .NET framework 4.5 such as Spatial Data types, Enum support and Table-Valued functions. EF5 also includes significant performance improvements. You will need Visual Studio 11 in order to work with EF5, however EF 4.3.1 was […]

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21 Feb

When Opportunity Knocks Answer the DAMN Door!

When people do something for so long they get comfortable.  There is a nice fuzzy feeling you get when you can somewhat expect the events of your day.  Especially in this economy.  That somewhat happened to me.  I have been writing WPF and Silverlight LOB applications for the construction and engineering industry for a long […]

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9 Feb

Entity Framework 4.3 Released (Migrations)

The EF team has released Entity Framework 4.3 which contains a fully supported version of Migrations. I have been using migrations in my projects since the Alpha 2 bits and would encourage EF Code First?ers to make the investment if they haven?t already. You can get EF 4.3 by installing the latest version of the […]

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23 Jan

Job Titles and Scrum

Category:General PostTag: :

I hear a lot of questions about “proper” Scrum. I feel compelled to answer one such question here, given how often I hear the topic discussed. Does Scrum prohibit job titles? No. Although Scrum does not recognize any titles defined outside the Scrum Framework, titles are almost always present in the organization. While Scrum doesn’t […]

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23 Jan

Scrum.org’s New Agile Webcast Series (no trans fats)

I’ve been focusing energies at Scrum.org on growing our community of Agile practitioners. That’s right, the word “scrum” wasn’t in that statement. Sort of. Our mission is to Improve the Profession of Software Development, not to Increase Instances of Poorly Implemented Scrum. But, I digress… Scrum.org wants to be a valued resource for those practicing […]

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18 Jan

Monitoring an MMO

I’ve been working on a free-to-play MMO which has been “officially” live since last April, and things have been going well – a steady growth of players; the game itself has been well-received, and all the important graphs are “up and to the right.”  Part of my job involves detecting problems before they become serious […]

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