11 Nov

Delete a work Item in TFS

Category:General PostTag: :

I needed to delete a work item in TFS and found that by design it is not easy to do. I found that this can be done using the TFS Power Tools via the command line. tfpt.exe destroywi /server:http://ServerName:8080 /workitemid:123 You will get a warning: This action is not recoverable. Are you sure you want […]

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10 Nov

Unrecognized attribute ‘targetFramework’ – Asp.Net 4.0

I ran across this error after pushing out an upgraded .NET 4.0 MVC2 application to its existing IIS website.  After some digging around I found this document on MSDN: How to: Upgrade an ASP.NET Web Application to ASP.NET 4 Since the application was previously built on version 3.5, IIS was configured to run as Asp.Net […]

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6 Nov

Using serialized JSON to move complex data to and from the browser

Jarod and I have both been working on a FubuMVC application for one of our Guild 3 clients. It?s been great to have the opportunity to work with a different MVC framework and hopefully we?ll comment on what we did and didn?t like about Fubu in a follow up post. I should note at this […]

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2 Nov

Form – Storm – Norm – Perform

Category:General PostTag: :

As you probably know by now three Elegant Coders (Jarod, David and myself) have recently formed Guild 3 Software. One of the reasons that we were keen to work together is that we have a lot of shared values, not least of which are Integrity, Craftsmanship, Agility and Community. However we had not worked together […]

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1 Nov

Snow Leopard and Quicksilver

I recently did the upgrade to Snow Leopard on my MBP. To my dismay, Quicksilver no longer worked. It terminated immediately after launch. I found the the Beta 56a7 on here. I also had to remove Plugins.plist and the Plugins folder from ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver. I am ecstatic to report that Quicksilver is up and running […]

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28 Oct

"Can not find Respack" error when running a Moonlight project

I recently upgraded to MonoDevelop 2.2 Beta 2 (for the debugging capability, more on that later) on my Mac. When I opened a Moonlight solution and tried to run it, I got the following error: Could not find respack The project had lost its references to System.Windows and System.Windows.Browser. The cause turned out to be […]

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26 Oct

Playing with JQuery Validation Library, Part 2

Background: JQuery Validator is JQuery plug-in for validating html form fields.  Microsoft has included the JQuery Validator as part of Microsoft?s new CDN, and it looks like JQuery and JQuery Validator will both be included with Asp.Net MVC 2.  You can find Part 1 here. From where we left off, the next thing to do […]

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