12 Oct

Sins of Commissions

Reading Joel Spolsky’s latest article, Sins of Commissions, reminded me about a topic that I feel very strongly about, namely incentives for software developers based on some kind of software quality or metric. I don’t know about you my dear reader, but I think this is just nuts! Although Joel’s article talks about sales, incentives […]

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8 Oct

Convince Me You Can’t Branch by Purpose

Category:General PostTag: :

As I have stated before, I am amazed at how an organizations culture (read: dysfunctions) are reflected in their source control systems. This is a really a restatement of Don Norman’s assertion, which says, "The design of a software system reflects the culture of the organization that created it." So, not to belabor a point, […]

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6 Oct

Refactoring Exercise: The Single Responsibility Principle vs Needless Complexity

Ray Houston has written this post on his blog named Single-Responsibility Versus Needless Complexity. His post contains the following code sample of which he suspects that it possibly violates the Single Responsibility Principle: public bool Login(string username, string password) { var user = userRepo.GetUserByUsername(username); if(user == null) return false; if (loginValidator.IsValid(user, password)) return true; user.FailedLoginAttempts++; […]

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4 Oct

LINQ in Depth: Understanding ToArray()

In my last post, I showed a bit of code that would take any list, array, diction, or IEnumerable implementer, and return a delimited string. My solution created a StringBuilder, then looped thru the list, adding the values to the StringBuilder each time.  Then, finishing up, remove the last delimiter. The other solution is to […]

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