11 Sep

Idaho is on Fire

There are currently several large forest fires burning here in my home state of Idaho.  The grand scale of these fires is hard to explain if you have not seen the effects yourself. Here in Boise, the air quality indicator has been at level read (bad) for the last couple of weeks.  You can actually […]

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9 Sep

Scrum Master Me

Along with a mere 15 or of my closet coworkers, I am now a certified Scrum master.  Thanks to the  Jeff “Father of Scrum” Sutherland, our team learned in 2 days how to do well what we have been poorly attempting for a year. After struggling to refine our own Scrum implementation, we decided to engage Jeff to come set us […]

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30 Aug

Taking Agile to Operations

I see Agile as a philosophy of teamwork especially suited to groups tasked with creating something unique.  Agile promises that we can actually get a product delivered from of these smart, creative people in whom the business has invested.  Maximizing ROI on salaries has been the holy grail of managing knowledge workers for decades, and Agile promises a way to do just that. […]

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23 Aug

Scrum Master Training Review

Scott Schimanski, a friend and colleague of mine, recently attended Scrum Master training and upon his return, reviewed it for the rest of the team.  With his permission, I am posting his review here, slightly edited to protect the innocent. Scott is a former developer and current Project Manager and, as you will see, one heck […]

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23 Aug

At the Office with Microsoft

Have you seen “The Office”?  Have you seen the British version with David Brent?  The character of David Brent is played by Ricky Gervais, who has had one of the most popular podcasts in history. Apparently Microsoft thought that it would be a good idea to have Ricky expound on the company’s core values while […]

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23 Aug

2 Things that Will Soon Matter

I have spent the better part of a weekend doing some listening and reading about some emerging Microsoft technologies (products?) that I believe will both be disruptive in their own ways.  Windows Workflow Foundations and Microsoft Share Point 2007 are linked together, but worlds apart. Windows Workflow Foundations Workflow seems really mundane, which is why […]

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17 Aug

Blog Flair

I am wanting to put some blog flair on my sidebar with my Currently Reading book list.  I have looked through Amazon, and through a few other sites, and I simply cannot find an out-of-the-box JavaScript based solution for this. Surely someone in the world provides a service where I can administer blog flair on […]

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