22 Jun

Office 2007 Beta Memory Spunk

“Windows Search Service” in your services applet is the Windows service for that new process that you see running that is hogging 100MB of RAM. When you installed Office 2007 Beta, part of the install was searchindexer.exe. You can kill it via disable in your services administration applet.

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15 Jun

A Very Good Question

Every supervisor (read: boss) that I have ever had told me early on in our relationship that one thing they wanted from me was, “No surprises.” While this is easily understood on the surface, it is not a clear cut directive upon close inspection. What is considered a surprise worthy of mentioning? I doubt that […]

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9 Jun

KPI Monitoring in Real Life

Physical build status indicators are quite the rage and have included examples ranging from Ambiant Orbs to Lava Lamps. What about taking it to the next level? In my budget next year, I have money for a 42″ plasma screen to mount on the wall in our development area. The plan is to have this […]

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7 Jun

The Death of Rocket Post

It is with great sadness that I announce the uninstall of RocketPost from my machine. I really wanted this product to work, so much so that I paid for it. I know of no other software product that gets increasingly unstable the longer it matures, but that is the case with Rocket Post. This thing […]

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31 May

Focus on Fundamentals

Alex Mueller, my esteemed collogue, is presenting a series of articles on his blog that are just top notch. Alex is covering Object Oriented Programming principals in his series of articles and I just can’t help but recommend them. What is Abstraction? What is Polymorphism? What is Encapsulation? What is a Class? What is an […]

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31 May

Proof That I am Getting Older

While I do not consider myself old by any stretch of the imagination, I apparently am no longer young, either. While attending a Nine Inch Nails concert on Sunday night (see, I am not old) there were 3 incidents at the concert that really bothered me. Despite my being extremely “hard” and looking even meaner, the […]

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19 May

Road Trip 2006 Day 4

I spent far too long poking around Calgary before heading out today. After that, I saw the most beautiful place on earth. Before leaving Calgary, I stopped in at Blackfoot Motorsports, the local BMW and Triumph dealer. These guys also sell every other kind of motorcycle known to man. Blackfoot is far and away the […]

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