19 May

Road Trip 2006 Day 3

What I saw today was absolutely amazing. Glacier Park and is amazing. Unfortunately, the Going-to-the-Sun road wasn’t yet open, but I am not complaining at all. I saw scenery today that I didn’t know existed and ton ight I am sleeping in Calgary, AB. Pictures speak louder than words. Day 3 Pics

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17 May

Road Trip 2006 Day 2 (Complete)

Day 2 (image gallery here) of the fantastic voyage has been AWESOME! I started the day in Kooskia, ID and 280 miles later am in Columbia Falls, MT, just southwest of Glacier National Park. Highway 12 is pure motorcycle sex. The best part of all is that with all of the kids in school and everyone […]

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17 May

Road Trip 2006 Day 1

Par for the course with my ill conceived adventures, I didn’t bother packing until this morning, which is when I actually wanted to leave. No worries. I took kids to school, ran some errands, packed, and hit the road around 11:00 a.m. Day 1 Pics 260 miles 2 camel packs of water 4 chapters from […]

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10 May

The Evolving I.T.Staffing Model

I am lucky enough to have recently attended a monthly gathering of local CIOs and CTOs. The topic de Jour was “What are you looking for in an IT graduate?” While the topic itself has many facets to discuss, one point that came up is of particular interest to me. The Current I.T. Staffing Model […]

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26 Apr

An Idaho Sunday

11:00 AM Said my wife, “I have an idea, honey. Let’s go look at the Snake River today. With all of the rain, I bet it is really high.” “Good idea, babe. I can bring my laptop and get some paperwork done.” 3:07 PM These kids will seriously not shut up. My wife is playing […]

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20 Apr

Spolsky Speaks

This guy really is good. Joel recently posted a new article entitled The Developer Abstraction Layer. While I agree with his points, the article does not apply to managing only developers, IMO, but to any team of people with a creative discipline. I do have one point of differentiation, though. Developers are also smart people […]

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18 Apr

Managing your Supervisor

I am going to tell you a secret about your supervisor. Your supervisor did not get to be your supervisor by wanting to be your supervisor. Your boss is your boss because your boss was good at something other than being your boss. Maybe long ago. Possibly very long ago. Think about it. Management is […]

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