28 Jan

My Bio

I have been asked for a short professional bio and a head shot for the Boise Code Camp that is coming up. I think I am going with the head shot on the right, but I don’t really have that quirky little bio, so I’ll write it here. David Starr is Director of Engineering Services […]

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24 Jan

Agile Management Software (Tools)

When Robert (Uncle Bob) Martin visited us a few months back, we asked him for his recommendations on Scrum management software. His reply? “Note cards and white boards.” I feel that this is a perfectly reasonable answer when dealing with a small development team. While we already know that Agile methodology scales to large teams, […]

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21 Jan

Boise Code Camp

What Is a Code Camp A Code Camp is best described as a group of software development professionals gathering for the purposes of furthering individual education. The actual criteria for what constitutes a Code Camp can be read in the Code Camp Manifesto. Code Camps have sprung up around the country in major metropolitan areas. […]

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20 Jan

Boise .Net User Group

Two or so years ago I attended one of the monthly meetings of what was then a fledgling Microsoft user group here in Boise. In order to introduce myself, I presented that night on Web Services. Web Services were still fairly distrusted and I think we were still on WSE 1.0. What I found was […]

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19 Jan

My RSS Addiction

RSS is everywhere. If you listen to the spoutlet coming out of Redmond, you have heard that RSS will be everywhere. Ubiquitous even. Apparently it is a good idea to RSS enable Longhorn (I mean Vista) in ways that will oly make sense when we see it. Sure, subscribing to build notifications, defect entries, blogs, […]

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13 Jan

Agile Requires Trust

Stacia Heimgartner blogged a wonderful dissertation on the role of trusting each other in the agile process. Loath though I am to simply link to other people’s blog entries, this one is simply too good to ignore. I love it. http://theagileblog.net/2006/01/moving_to_a_trusting_culture.html

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