28 Sep

Continuous Integration Evolves

Cruise Control has dropped several very major releases lately and is up to version 2.3. Now comes a new competitor with a slightly different twist.  Continuous Sin is a new CI engine for SVN.  It actually will not let your code enter into the development branch you are working with unless it builds and passes.  This […]

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28 Sep

What is a Good Developer

I was asked yesterday by a candidate what I, personally, look for in a good developer.  Beyond mastery of OO principles and your core area of expertise, I think that true leaders also embody the traits that Jared Richardson recently blogged about in the following 2 posts. Microclimates and Software Development The Habits of Highly […]

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27 Sep

Windows XP – State of the Art

When I click my Windows Start menu on the task bar, I mouse up to Programs and along the way must pass over Documents.  Over the last few months, when I do that and there are a lot of documents in my Recent Documents folder, the start menu hangs and I sit there for 30 seconds […]

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27 Sep

EBay Newbie Experience + 1

I couldn’t wait.  Even though my clock hasn’t sold, I couldn’t wait and I put my Bronco on EBay.  I really do wonder if paying the extra money to push my ad to the top of the page works.  Surely people aren’t that dumb? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1969-Early-Bronco-4X4_W0QQitemZ4578634346QQcategoryZ6222QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I am hoping to trade up to a VW Thing […]

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24 Sep

EBay Newbie Experience

I have purchased a few things on eBay, but I just listed my first item.  This was a dry run to sell something bigger ( a car ) just to see how eBay works and all I can say is, “What a pain”.  I understand why the process is SOOOooooo made for people who  don’t get the […]

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22 Sep

Community Server 1.2 Coming

Updated UI, new admin tools, spell check on the editor (please, please, please). We have implemented CS 1.1 in our company and I cannot wait for this release.  If the upcoming release is as good as I expect it to be, I will finally buy the windows authentication add-in. Community Server

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22 Sep

How to Run a Scrum Meeting

I have just been assigned as a Scrum Lead.  Now what?  This article serves as a template for Scrum Leads on how to run the daily meeting itself.   This article assumes that the schedule for your Scrum meetings is 1 per day.   Why Scrum?   Scrum meetings serve to: Measure the success of everyone’s efforts […]

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