15 Jun

DotText2DasBlog Hiccup

In addition to losing my Google links until a re-index, the other thing that has been a problem with moving blog engines has been that das Blog does not support the articles that I wrote in .Text.  I am in the process of converting them to posts as I am getting requests for some of […]

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14 Jun

Link Leecher

At the risk of exposing just how big a nerd I really am, I will tell you that I have an affinity for old time radio programs (OTR for those in the know).  Shows like The Shadow, Dragnet, and The Whistler.  I just love ’em. Folks who publish these shows as MP3 files are not […]

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14 Jun

Brian Jones is Cool

I sent an email to Brian Jones, Program Manager for MS Word, asking some questions about the new MS Word XML capabilities.  Get this… he answered me.  Now that is just cool.  Maybe Microsoft is staffed with real people. I am respecting the exchange enough not to just post the email thread, but suffice to […]

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13 Jun

Awesome Bug Report

I am probably way behind the blleding edge on this idea, but I just received the coolest bug report ever.  My tester recorded the web app through SnapIt as a video (AVI) and sent it to me to illustrate the bug.  My gosh, that was effective! Links Tech Smith, the makers of SnagIt.

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12 Jun

iReqwire Ignite

About a year and a half ago, my nieghbor and I were sitting around at a barbeque and talking about our respective jobs (He is a project manager for a big bank).  He told me about an idea he had for a product and after I understood it I replied, “That’ a darn good idea.” […]

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10 Jun

TechEd Stuff and Notepad 2

Firstly, take a look at the “podcast” of the man-on-the-street type interviews occurring at TechEd.  This is pretty cool, but these WMV videos aren’t aggregated, so technically, they aren’t being casted. http://strategery.geekswithblogs.net/TechEdPodcast.aspx Next, thanks to Hanselman for the awesome tip in this post to try a new text editor, Notepad 2.  I have been a faithful user […]

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