1 Jun

dasBlog Migration

I have been considering changing Elegant Code over to dasBlog for some time now.  I would like to thank Aaron Junod for making this decision much easier for me.  He provides the DotText2DasBlog utility that converted all of my posts and comments from .Text. Why I Am Changing Simple, I want to try something else for awhile.  […]

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31 May

Community Server Stuff

Community Server has shipped RC for version 1.1.  We are running CS within our Intranet, but I think I’ll wait for the RTM of 1.1 to bother with the upgrade. Also of interest to our installation is the Windows authentication package the Telligent sells.  For $300, why code it? Links CS Window Authentication Module CS […]

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31 May

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we took the kids to the Idaho Veterans Cemetery and tried to explain what Memorial Day is all about.  Admittedly, this is a bit much for 5 year olds to get, but I tried simplifying it down a bit.  I ran across 2 plots occupied by men killed in Iraq.  It was […]

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29 May

Are You Agile

I have posted recently about my efforts to discuss and sell Scrum within my company.  I have just heard a podcast that I am going to forward around and ask people here to listen to. Scott Ambler’s Are You Agile or Are You Fragile? on IT Conversations.  This guy speaks in a no-nonsense way that completely […]

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27 May

Are Proxies Good Enough?

I have taken to the habit of watching tech videos like the .Net Show on my laptop while I am on the treadmill in the mornings. There are a host of other vlogs (video blogs) out there to choose from, too. I have been walking back in time a bit and I just got to […]

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24 May

The Polymorphic Podcast

It takes a lot of stone to use the term Polymorphic in the title of your podcast.  It kind of gives the pod caster a lot to live up to. This guy pulls it off very well.  Even if you aren’t into pod casting, you should  pull the shows and listen to this show while you […]

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21 May


This search page that compares the results of Yahoo and Google side-by-side is an interesting way to directly compare the engines. I come up fourth on Yahoo and not in the top 10 of Google.  I am going to have to go with Yahoo on this one.  Apparently there is a NASAR race driver with my […]

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21 May

SlashDot Review

Hey, I got SlashDotReviewed! Or something like that.  I pulled this morning’s broadcast and was sitting here coding away to it when I heard my name mentioned.  That’s kind of a weird feeling. Apparently I am so attractive as the MSN butterfly that I deserved a track back.  Nice! Andy McCaskey produces the Slash Dot […]

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