9 May

VS Live 1.2

The last half of my first day was spent with Fritz Onion talking about ASP.Net 2.0.  There were a lot of fun things in there to include personalization, themes, and amazing data binding capabilities. In my opinion, the killer feature of the day for ASP.Net 2.0 is Form Views (I think that’s the right name).  […]

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8 May

VS Live 1.1

So Indigo really is the next driver for the evolution of Web Services.  The promise of consolidating Service implementations into a single model is really attractive, but the barriers of interoperability twill rear their ugly heads.  Doing funky things in your WSDL will still cause problems for your Java consumers, but I sure hope this […]

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8 May

VS Live 1.0

We are sitting in the presentation room waiting for Aaron Skionnard’s full day workshop on Indigo.  I am genuinely looking forward to this presentation as I have heard Aaron present before when he was with DevelopMentor.  He is an extremely effective presenter. What about Vegas? I have never been here before, and not knowing what […]

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6 May

VS Live

Healthwise is a great place to work.  Our team is lucky enough that all developers (10 people) are being allowed to attend VS Live in Vegas next week.  This should be a major learning opportunity for our group and should allow us to get the same level of technical awareness across the board. I am hoping that […]

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5 May

HP “Voluntary Layoffs”

350 HP employees here in the Boise Valley are leaving the firm.  This is hard for people, I know, but on the up side we are going to start recruiting for developers in July and I bet there is some great talent that will be available. Unfortunately, I doubt that there is enough tech in […]

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27 Apr

The Duality of Product Management

Phil Windley is the CIO for the state of Utah and he has gained some renown as being one of the early pioneers to support and use an executive level blog.  He recently wrote an article about the role of Product Management in an organization and presented a fairly traditional explanation. Here is a key paragraph from […]

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