4 Jun

More on Butters

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I promised more tech for your dollar around here and I will be delivering.  In the mean time, no one but the coldest, most cruel hearted person could object to updates on my forthcoming mini bulldog, Butters.  Butters is due to leave Missouri for her new home here in Idaho within the next 2 weeks […]

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4 Jun

Explaining Heuristics

I frequently hear unfamiliar terms in conversations at work.  Often, I can infer the meaning of what has been said by listening to the context of the conversation.  It is more confusing is when the speaker himself is unsure of the meaning of a word they have used. This happens a lot in computer or technical discussions.  Big […]

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3 Jun

I’m Back

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I have been on an involuntary blogging hiatus.  Things are looking up recently and I hope to soon be posting at a more usable rate.  Two things have influenced my output lately and together created a perfect storm; My woman and my work. My Woman My poor wife hurt her back when we were taking ski lessons back in […]

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21 May

Butters Update

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I got a new set of pictures from the breeder in Missouri.? Butters is almost 2?weeks older than the first pictures I posted of her.? Her new pictures show that she is growing quickly and is?a tubby little pup. Just like me. 4 more weeks and counting.? Couldn’t you just eat her up? ?

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21 May

Planning for Re-Evolution

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Evolutionary software design has become increasingly popular in the ongoing Agile discussion.  Proponents of Evolutionary Software Design (ESD) advocate an organic approach to software architectures in which design is allowed to evolve along with the requirements of the software.  A colleague of mine is fond of saying, “The second programmer pays for generality.”  He means the […]

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16 May

Developer Wellness Program

We’ve been talking about software wellness around here lately, but what about developer wellness?  We have a plan to increase the quality of our software, but what about the quality of ourselves? I want to thank Scott (you need a blog, wise one) and Matt for recently instituting our latest developer wellness programs. Microsoft Certification […]

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