3 Jun

I’m Back

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I have been on an involuntary blogging hiatus.  Things are looking up recently and I hope to soon be posting at a more usable rate.  Two things have influenced my output lately and together created a perfect storm; My woman and my work.

My Woman

My poor wife hurt her back when we were taking ski lessons back in February and has since been couch ridden.  Her pain and debilitation got to the point of her being immobile and I took some sick leave to care for her and the four munchkins.  I have not worked consistently for about a month now.  She had surgery about 3 weeks ago and things are now looking up.  While she is far from healed, she is trending upward.  According to my calculations, she should be 90% of norm by August 15.  This projection has a +-3% standard deviation.

Elle is doing so well that I returned to work during school hours and that means 3/4 time.  The kids will be out for the summer next week and I go back full time.

My Work

I have taken a new position with my current employer and I am actively transitioning into that new role.  I will no longer be Director of Engineering Services with all of the meetings and personnel management that the position entails.  I am moving to the position of Chief Architect for Healthwise and will focus more on solutions, technology, and research.

I am fortunate to have as a compatriot in this work Microsoft MVP and author Martin Danner who rounds out the Architecture Office and brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and thus wisdom.

This blog will hopefully take on a new tone, with a greater focus on technology and less focus on process and methodology.  Technology of particular interest to my work concerns the I.T. of Healthcare.

It feels good to almost be back.