25 Apr

Books Lately

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I have been trying to concentrate on technical reading lately to no avail, I’m afraid.  We are going through planning for our new fiscal year at work and this amount of paperwork leaves me brain dead at the end of each day.  Strategic planning, team planning, goal statements, performance appraisals, budgeting, yeesh. You can see why […]

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18 Apr

Scrum Lecture

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I would like to thank Dr. Rob and his Systems Architecture class down at Boise State for hosting me today in our discussion about Scrum.  I have genuinely come to appreciate the freedom and effectiveness of Scrum and I enjoy the opportunity to evangelize it.  

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16 Apr

WPF/E == Silverlight

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Microsoft announced that the the new friendly name for WPF/E is Silverlight.  Thank goodness, that was a mouthful.  Microsoft Silverlight is not to be confused with the Silverlight Witch Coven of North Carolina, Terry Silverlight, the drummer so bold as to have released 2 solo albums of all-drum-all-the-time, or the Silverlight Dog Kennel of Romania. The […]

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15 Apr

Don’t Use Risky Mock Data

Scenario 1 The Scrum team is ending a 3 week iteration developing a custom CRM for your company.  Despite the fact that no one should be writing yet another CRM, the team is excited to show the shiny new forms in Sprint Review.  The one developer who can be cajoled into speaking opens the application and the AJAX-enabled […]

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9 Apr

IT Related Volunteer Opportunities

It is interesting to note the volunteer opportunities available to people with I.T. related skills.  That such opportunities exist speaks to the ubiquity of computers and software in our daily lives.  Computing has become so normalized as to be considered a necessity for economic growth, job searching, educational opportunity, and other services. Here are some local volunteer opportunities in […]

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4 Apr

Extension Methods Just Make Sense

A friend and colleague of mine has a favorite interview code problem that I think is pretty fun, too.  I think it is simpler than FizzBuzz, but is reasonably effective at prompting discussion.  The problem is quite simply, “Please go the whiteboard and reverse a string.” I love the ambiguity of that problem.  Do you I get the string in a […]

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