4 Apr

Speeding Up Vista

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Not that Vista is slow, far from it, IMO.  Even so, here is a great article on tweaking your Vista machine to make it run a bit faster than it does out of the box.  What I like about the article is that I could send it to my mom and she could understand most […]

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2 Apr

Thank You, Askimet

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Comment spam is a PITA (look it up) for most bloggers.  I have tried several solutions to comment spam with varying degrees of success and have most recently tried to simply moderate all comments.  This is far too time consuming to actually continue, so I looked again for a solution to the problem. I have been […]

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2 Apr

Why WPF/E Will Kill Flash

WPF/E is Microsoft’s newly introduced technology meant to compete with Adobe’s Flash .  The community preview for WPF/E was released in February. In a bold statement, Microsoft released plugins for IE6, IE7, FireFox, and Macintosh’s Safari.  Is this yet another latecomer technology offering that won’t quite catch on?  I don’t think so. When marketing or business people seek out software developers […]

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1 Apr

Microsoft’s New Smarter Child

Do you need help training your pet zebra?  I did, so this is how I found it. Open Windows Live Messenger. Add the following email address as a contact: [email protected] Open a chat window with the new contact and type: “web zebra training” and <Enter>. It’s the 3rd link down: http://www.foresthillfarms.com/zebra_training.htm What just happened?  You just […]

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31 Mar

Voodoo Lounge: A Novel by Christian Bauman

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This book came recommended by a friend whose literary opinion I can usually trust.  Thanks, 3 Desk Mike.  You didn’t let me down.  Voodoo Lounge refers to some part of an Army Waterborne ferry-like LSV-1.  It may have been the pilot house or the foredeck, I was never actually sure.  The novel actually revolves around […]

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31 Mar

Yet Another Pass at Blogging Tools

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We are all about consolidation here at Elegant Code. Having spent years subscribed to the right tool for the job theory of software tools, I am getting tired. I am looking for the Shopsmith of blogging tools. I spent a lot of useless energy about 18 months ago searching for the perfect blogging tool, and […]

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