31 Mar

My Spam Velocity is Too High

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Here is a a screen shot from my Gmail account today.  About 4 days ago I stopped deleting spam, although it is excruciating to my finicky nature.  I have to admire Google’s ability to trap all of these things.  Gmail is truly a killer application.  If anything, I am worried that the volume of spam […]

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29 Mar

The Perfect PC

Category:UncategorizedTag: :1 Comment on The Perfect PC

I honestly cannot believe that the world still has a market for desktop PCs.  We have had computers in our homes for 25 years and they are still basically delivered in the same form factor.  It isn’t all bad, though.  We have laptops and even reasonable computing power in our handhelds.  My Treo is pretty darn […]

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28 Mar

Pork Shoulder and Ham

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Due to the increased amount of comment spam recently, I have turned on comment approval.  I will not censor anything, and after one of your comments is approved, subsequent comments will go through without need for approval. Thank you for your understanding.

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27 Mar

MSN Spaces : Not Fit for a Dog

In the continuing discussion around Microsoft’s relationship with open source projects, Scott McMaster posted a great discussion about the .Net OSS Community.   While the subject of his article is worthy of discussion, I cannot help but note what happened when I tried to comment on his post. Click the Add a Comment link. I must sign in with […]

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26 Mar

TeamPlain Acquired by Microsoft

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

Brian Harry announced that Microsoft has just acquired TeamPlain and will begin the process of rolling the product into the Team Foundation Server (TFS) suite.  Bravo!  The absence of web-based access to TFS was a glaring oversight in the original release of TFS and this product grew up almost overnight to fill that gap.  We have it […]

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25 Mar

Where’s the Passion?

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

I am surprised every year at the lack of turnout for our local Boise Code Camp.  The local Windows Vista launch event drew 500 people in for the promise a free copy of Windows, but our day long Code Camp that covered all sorts of technologies drew under 300.  Wow. I recently attended the local […]

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23 Mar

How Much Did You Code Last Week?

Each month am privileged to have an early breakfast with a group of very senior developer types, as the Boise Software Architecture Group.  I enjoy the sincere dialog and earnest debate.  ORM mapping seems to be a hot topic lately, along with measuring code quality, Agile methodologies, and VSTS.  Few of us are exclusively developers anymore, sharing titles like Manager, […]

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