23 Mar

Business Data Catalog

The Business Data Catalog (BDC) is a new subsystem within Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS).  To the best of my understanding, the BDC wraps disparate data repositories from around your enterprise in a single, programmatically accessible object model.  The functionality of the object model is apparently driven by meta data that describes the underlying repositories. The idea […]

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22 Mar

An Open Letter to Scott Guthrie

Mr. Guthrie and Whom It May Concern, Thank you for your team’s contributions to the software development industry. ASP.Net, the CLR, and your other significant additions to the .Net platform have genuinely advanced the state of software development. Although it may seem that you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t, most […]

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22 Mar

Want My Job?

There is something very odd about seeing my own job advertised for active recruitment.  I have been Director of Core Engineering Services for Healthwise in Boise, Idaho, for several years now.  I have recently been honored to accept a position as Chief Architect for Healthwise and I will assume those duties as soon as Healthwise finds […]

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13 Mar

Some Books. Mostly bad ones.

I have been shamefully remiss in my pursuit of good reading material.  I like to keep at least one good (quality) book of history or fiction at play as well as at least one good technical book.  However, during times of personal stress I resort to pulp mystery fiction, trashy war novels, and other pointless crap. With […]

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3 Mar

1776 by David McCullough

Did you know that there was a battle for Long Island in New York and that the American army defeated a group of German mercenaries in Trenton, New Jersey?  Did you know that British ships sailed the Hudson river and sent cannonballs crashing into Manhattan island (then New York island)?  Speaking as one who received my revisionist history […]

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