20 Mar

Boise .Net Users Group

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I have made the mistake in the recent past of not following closely our local Microsoft sponsored .Net user’s group.  I was lucky enough last Thursday to remember to attend the monthly gathering at our local Microsoft campus and I am glad I did!

In addition to a nice tour of the new SQL Client Tools and looking at ways to make that environment stand on its head, we got to see some newer technology, too.

I want to thank Scott Nichols, the president of the group and an accomplished architect at Micron for his superb explanation of .Net 3.0 and drill down into WCF.  I am looking forward to playing with WCF in more detail because some of the capabilities that I saw are leaps forward in service layer communications. 

Request throttling and queuing was cool enough on it’s own to say, “Gee Whiz,” not to mention the ability to hop between transport pipelines via configuration settings.  Want to use WSDL, Enterprise Services, or Remoting? OK.  Want the transport layer to figure out which of those to use? OK.

Cool.  I guess Don Box really has been making something for the last few years.  I thought maybe he was just showing up at trade shows :).

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