17 Mar


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I am a personal task list fanatic. I have learned over the years that many of us geeks are, and I have had in my mind the killer app for a TODO list tool for a few years now. Building it is one of those things that never seems to get done, because it’s never top of the list, but it has stuck in the back of my mind as a TODO for a long time.

TODO: Build the perfect TODO list.

Looking for a Google Gadget to use as a good TODO list gadget on my home page, I came across TODOist.com.

This is it. No more thinking I should make it myself. This is exactly what I wanted and for the first time in my natural born life, I whipped out the credit card for the $3 per month within 10 minutes of first seeing the application.

Here is a screen shot of my lists in this perfectly designed, Web 2.0, AJAXy, open API, service oriented, grass roots application. My God, I love it. This is the perfect example of a developer solving his own problem and then making a great new product from it. The interface is perfect: intuitive and all functions are keyboard driven. Change nothing.


And did I mention that it integrated right onto my iGoogle home page for Elegant Code in Google Apps?


The only thing I need now is TFS work item integration. There is an API, after all :). That just went on the list.