3 Dec

Basic JavaScript Part 3 : Prototypes

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In previous blog posts, I talked about the rich capabilities of functions and objects in JavaScript. For this post I want to briefly touch on the concept of prototypes. Having a decent understanding of prototypes in JavaScript is highly recommended as they are a very important part of the language. I have to admit that I?m still trying to fully get my head around the concept of prototypes, but writing this blog post is part of my learning process :-). 

As you probably know, JavaScript is not a ?classical? language but a prototypal object language. This means that pretty much everything is an object, including functions. Every function has a property named prototype. This property is set to an empty object as soon as the former object gets created. As with every object we can augment it with our own methods.

In a previous post, I showed how to use constructor functions for creating new objects. Have a look at the following simple constructor function.

function Podcast(title, url) {
    this.title = title;
    this.url = url;
    this.toString = function() {
       return 'Title: ' + this.title;

var podcast1 = new Podcast('Astronomy cast', 'http:// ...');
var podcast2 = new Podcast('jQuery podcast', 'http:// ...');

This constructor function adds two properties and one method to the objects that we created. Suppose that we developed a magnificent method for downloading the podcast itself. The most obvious place to put this code is in the constructor function as we did with the toString method. But we can also add this new method to the prototype of our constructor function.

Podcast.prototype.download = function() {
    console.log("Downloading podcast ...");

When a new Podcast object is created, this new object will ?inherit? the download method from the prototype of the constructor function and becomes available for use. In fact, Podcast objects that were created before the new function was added to the prototype of the constructor function also get this new method! Take a look at the following sample code:

var podcast1 = new Podcast('Astronomy cast', 'http:// ...');
console.log(typeof podcast1.download);        // outputs 'undefined'            

Podcast.prototype.download = function() {
    console.log("Downloading podcast ...");

var podcast2 = new Podcast('jQuery podcast', , 'http:// ...');

console.log(typeof podcast1.download);        // outputs 'function'
console.log(typeof podcast2.download);        // outputs 'function'

When the Podcast constructor function gets augmented with the download function, the previously created object now also exposes the newly added function. I find this a quite  fascinating feature.

As already mentioned, we can now simply call the download method that we added to the prototype.

var podcast = new Podcast('Railscasts', 'http:// ...');

Even though the download method is now available for every object created through the Podcast constructor function, that doesn?t mean that this new method is ?owned? by the created podcast object itself.

var podcast = new Podcast('Railscasts', 'http:// ...');
console.log(podcast.hasOwnProperty('download'));    // outputs 'false'

When the download method is called, the JavaScript engine first looks at the methods of the podcast object which doesn?t seem have this method. Next thing, the engine identifies the prototype of the constructor function used for creating the podcast object. If the engine can find the method in the prototype object then this method will be called.

Besides the prototype property, every object also has a property named constructor that contains a reference to the constructor function used for creating the object. The code snippet shown earlier therefore resolves into something like this:

var podcast = new Podcast('Railscasts', 'http:// ...');
// outputs 'true'

As I just mentioned, every object has a constructor property. Because the prototype property of the constructor function holds a reference to an object, that means that it also has a constructor which has a prototype of its own, etc ? . The engine goes up the prototype chain searching for a requested method or property until it finds what needs to be called or until it reaches the root prototype, which is Object.prototype.

When a download method is added to the Podcast constructor function, then this method will take precedence over the download method of the prototype. This is illustrated by the following code sample:

function Podcast(title, url) {
    this.title = title;
    this.url = url;
    this.download = function() {
        console.log('Own download function.');
    this.toString = function() {
       return 'Title: ' + this.title;

Podcast.prototype.download = function() {
    console.log("Prototype download function.");

var podcast = new Podcast('Railscasts', 'http:// ...');
podcast.download();    // Outputs 'Own download function.'

These are the very basics of prototypes in JavaScript. I really enjoy learning JavaScript as it broadens my perspective on programming languages.

Until next time.