26 Jul

Exploring CoffeeScript Part 4 – Objects and Classes

For this blog post, we?re going to continue our journey through the wonderful world of CoffeeScript, exploring objects and classes. Also make sure to check out the previous installments: And Then There Was Coffee Variables and Functions More on Functions Objects Most of us have know how the object literal notation looks like using plain […]

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16 Jul

Slightly modified “CD” Command for Powershell

Background In my previous job, I spent all my development time in a Linux environment. Was rather impressed at how much could get done at the command line, and how efficient some of those tasks became. My next job was based on Windows and mostly the Microsoft stack of development tools. This  meant I pretty […]

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15 Jul

New Open Source Project: OptionStrict.oEmbed

My friend, former colleague, and fellow Elegant Coder, Cory Isakson, has graciously allowed me to open source his .NET oEmbed library. Cory and I have been using this library for about two years, and a derivative of the library has been in production at an internet media company for nearly as long. The library is […]

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14 Jul

StatLight 1.4 and almost 1.5

Category:General PostTag: :

It?s been a while since I blogged about any updates to the StatLight project and even though people are saying ?SilverLight?s dead? I?d have to say there?s been more community contribution in the last few months to the project than there?s ever been. What is StatLight? For those of you who don?t know, it?s a […]

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13 Jul

Exploring CoffeeScript Part 3 – More on Functions

For this blog post we?re going to continue where we previously left off, talking a bit more about functions in CoffeeScript. Let?s get things started by talking a bit about function scope. Function scope Like Ruby, CoffeeScript uses lexical scope. This means that a variable that is declared inside a function is invisible to outside […]

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