18 Dec

Format your .Net exceptions to see the StackTrace.

TL;DR Check out a dinky little Exception Message Beautifier site I threw together so you can quickly format .net exception messages and easily see the StackTrace.   Go to the site: CLICK HERE   Background Over the years, I?ve worked on projects where application exceptions were saved to a SQL database. When querying the logs […]

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12 Dec

Node-m-r – A Simple CQRS Example using Node.js

Anyone learning about DDD, CQRS and/or event sourcing has probably read the source code of Greg Young’s simple CQRS example at some point or another. This is one of the simplest examples possible demonstrating the practical side of CQRS and event sourcing, originally developed using .NET. I made an attempt to rewrite the source code […]

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5 Dec


Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

Some time ago, I was watching this excellent video course by Neal Ford titled ?Functional Thinking ? Functional Programming using Java, Clojure and Scala?. In one of the modules on functional data structures, Neal talks about this container type in Scala named Either. The Either type in Scala represents one of two possible values, a […]

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29 Nov

Convert an existing WinJS app to use TypeScript

Category:General PostTag: :

I recently published a little sample project up in the ToTypeScriptD github organization that walks through converting a new Windows 8 WinJS application to TypeScript. It’s intended to show some of the basic first steps it takes to convert a project over to TypeScript and also how you can leverage ToTypeScriptD to help automatically generate […]

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23 Nov

Calling Actual Developers for Agile 2014

Category:General PostTag: :

Not only did the XBone RTM this week, but the call for papers for Agile 2014 opened. This year my friend K. Scott Allen and I are fortunate enough to be the chairs for the Development Practices and Craftsmanship track. And that means I am really hoping to hear from this community in the submissions […]

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31 Oct

Introducing ToTypeScriptD – Automatic TypeScript Definition files for C++/CX or .Net assemblies.

If you’re unfamiliar with TypeScript, I’d highly recommend checking it out. It’s my new preferred way to write JavaScript based applications. If you write an application in TypeScript and need to interact with an external set of either JavaScript or C++/CX dependencies then you will quickly find that you are going to be mucking with […]

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