7 Apr

My Work Kanban Support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

My team at Microsoft is responsible for the My Work feature in Visual Studio Ultimate. The My Work feature focuses a developer’s immediate work in a single, actionable view. My Work presents TFS Work Items assigned to me in a view that allows quick and easy integration with checking in code. This aims to reduce […]

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22 Mar

Basic JavaScript: Prototypical Inheritance vs. Functional Inheritance

Inheritance in JavaScript has been the topic of many discussions in the past and will continue to be the source of future debates and arguments. While we do value composition over inheritance, we don?t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater either. So, from time to time, we run into these cases where […]

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19 Mar

RichEditBox gives UnauthorizedAccessException (Access is denied) error when SetText called.

Category:General PostTag: :

While working on a little WinRT app I recently spent WAY too much time trying to figure out why I was getting the following exception System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled by user code   HResult=-2147024891   Message=Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))   Source=Windows.UI   StackTrace:        at Windows.UI.Text.ITextDocument.SetText(TextSetOptions options, String value) when all I […]

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12 Mar

Windows 8 Share Charm Data Inspector

Category:General PostTag: :

In a previous post I mentioned I would share the app I created during a Windows 8 hackathon event. I spent some more time adding polish, testing, re-thinking my initial designs and today, I?m excited to say that it is now in the app store! What does this app do? The Share Data Inspector is […]

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3 Mar

Windows 8 Hackathon: Good for participants. Bad for Microsoft.

Last weekend I participated in a Windows 8 hackathon. In 24 hours of coding I had an app created and submitted to the App Store for certification. 24 hours to create an app? I’ll share details about the app I created in a future post. For now, I have since removed my app from the […]

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23 Feb

DefinitelyTyped TypeScript definitions now on NuGet

I recently started playing with TypeScript on an asp.net MVC web application. We’re leveraging some third party js libraries and found the type definition files over at DefinitelyTyped a huge help when dealing with libraries not originally written in TypeScript. The first thing I tried to do was add them via NuGet and when I […]

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22 Feb

Confessions of a Sublime Text-aholic

It’s true. I’m a Sublime Text addict. It’s by far my favorite development tool. End of story! Just to illustrate, earlier this week, a member of our development team asked how to quickly remove all empty lines from a very large text file. I quickly came up with the following: Press CTRL-F. Enable regular expressions […]

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