31 Oct

The Rise of App Stores for Commercial Software

Category:General Post

App stores for mobile devices are ubiquitous. Few people think of heading to a software company’s website to download an app. They head for their mobile platform’s app store and they certainly don’t think of calling up a sales department to make an app purchase. The commoditization and disposability of apps is a significant part […]

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13 May

3 Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know


Tomorrow at 8:00 Pacific join me, Gunther Verheyen and an expert panel to discuss our essays in Gunther’s book, 97 Thing Every #Scrum Practitioner Should Know. Gunther will read the essays, followed by Q&A from the attendees. My article is entitled “Automating Agility.” I hope you attend to learn what I mean by that. It’s probably not […]

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