29 Jul

.devdiv//AppDays with Microsoft Interns

Category:General PostTag: :

Internships for big companies like Microsoft are replete with lore and not a few jokes. They are also highly sought after, competitive, and worth every minute of the experience they offer. Never having done an internship myself, I never really understood that. This summer, I have had the opportunity to work with several Microsoft interns […]

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6 May

Brian’s Resizer App

Category:General PostTag: :

Today I was pleased to learn Brian?s Sizer App is still out there and still works, even with Windows 8. Just install it and right-click to snap a window to a specific size. This tool was indispensible to me when deving for web and I find myself needing it again these days in building mockups. […]

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15 Apr

Estimating for Software Development, Delivery, and Deadlines

This was a fun talk from the 2013 ALM Summit, back in January. I didn’t even know it was online until someone tweeted it :). The ideas expressed here are around the pragmatism of using estimation as a technique, but not getting lost in the weeds. In other words, admit that we need some process […]

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7 Apr

My Work Kanban Support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

My team at Microsoft is responsible for the My Work feature in Visual Studio Ultimate. The My Work feature focuses a developer’s immediate work in a single, actionable view. My Work presents TFS Work Items assigned to me in a view that allows quick and easy integration with checking in code. This aims to reduce […]

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