
A software blog

19 Nov

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – Threads vs. Events

In a previous blog post, I provided a shallow introduction to Node.js. I also mentioned where you can find more information on how to get it installed on Windows as well as how to install a seemingly popular package manager in the JavaScript community called Npm. In the mean time, I?ve started to get a […]

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17 Nov

Extended WPF Toolkit: New DateTimeUpDown control

If you are not familiar with the Extended WPF Toolkit by now, shame on you.  Like most open source projects, the Extended WPF Toolkit is driven by the community, that?s you.  One of the most popular control requests is a DateTime picker.  When this request first came-in I really didn?t know if I was going […]

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15 Nov

Extended WPF Toolkit–Updated ColorPicker control

If you are using the Extended WPF Toolkit you have probably noticed the ColorPicker control.  If you are not familiar with the Color Picker control, it is simply a WPF editor control that allows a user to select a color.  If you are using release version 1.2 or less the color picker will look something […]

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13 Nov

Could sealing a class be a sign of a good design

I recently attended this years Øredev conference and one of the things I had the good fortune of doing was to meet-up with a long time twitter friend, Philip Laureano. One of the days me and Philip started talking about a previous discussion he had with another attendee (whom shall remain nameless since I do […]

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12 Nov

Basic JavaScript Part 2 : Objects

In a previous blog post, I showed some of the rich capabilities of functions in JavaScript. For this post I want to have a brief look at objects in JavaScript. Let?s start with a basic example: var podcast = { title: ‘Astronomy Cast’, description: ‘A fact-based journey through the galaxy.’, link: ‘http://www.astronomycast.com’ }; When you?ve […]

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