
A software blog

19 May

New Silverlight 4 Application Themes Released

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Back in march I gave you guys a sneak peak at some Silverlight application themes.  Well now they are here and ready for your consumption.  These include the Accent Color, Windows 7 and Cosmopolitan themes.  The download contains Visual Studio 2010 template installers, Blend 4 compatible templates as well as the raw resource dictionary assets […]

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19 May

WPF Goodies in the Silverlight 4 Tools

If you haven?t heard already, the Silverlight Tools for VS2010 have been released, as mentioned by fellow ElegantCoder Bill Moore.  In this release there have been some great improvements to the Visual Studio designer that work for both Silverlight and WPF.  Lets check them out. Go To Value Definition Have you ever had a control […]

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17 May

Silverlight 4 Tool RTW and WCF RIA Services v1.0 ships today

Hey Silverlight gals and pals, Looks like the RTW of the Silverlight tools has arrived.  I know what you are thinking, Hasn’t Silverlight 4 already shipped? Yes it has, but the tools team has a dependency on the runtime, so they cannot finish their stuff until the runtime has shipped, hence the beta of the tools […]

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15 May

Silverlight Profiling PowerShell helper.

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I was playing around with some Silverlight profiling the other night to see if I could find any obvious issues with my open source project StatLight and wound up writing a little script in PowerShell I hoped someone might find helpful. But I didn’t know you could profile a Silverlight app. I didn’t until I […]

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15 May

Tell me what you don’t like about TFS 2010

I know that a lot of people have had bad experiences with TFS over the years, and so does the TFS development team. The team at Microsoft is very intent on learning what it is that people find irritating, problematic, or difficult, and correcting it. Some major headway was made with the 2010 release of […]

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10 May

Pluralcast 15 : SQL Server Under the Covers

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  Listen to this episode! [54:51] Dan Sullivan takes us beyond the typical discussion of SQL Server features to the inner depths of databases. Ever wonder how locking concurrency works inside relational databases? Wonder no more! Just listen to this show. Dan Sullivan Dan is a member of the technical staff at Pluralsight, where he […]

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