14 Feb

View Collation in CouchDB

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A couple of weeks ago I learned about a very neat feature of CouchDB called view collations. Basically, view collations enables us to make joins between documents. Let?s look at a simple example here. Suppose we have a customer-order model where a customer can have one or more orders. The data of the documents for […]

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18 Jul

Design Documents in CouchDB and Validation

To start off, here are the links to my previous posts about CouchDB: Relaxing on the Couch(DB) Installing the Couch(DB) PUTting the Couch(DB) in Your Living Room GETting Documents From CouchDB DELETE Documents From CouchDB Adding Attachments to a Document in CouchDB Views into CouchDB I briefly mentioned ‘design documents‘ in my previous post as […]

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10 Jul

Views into CouchDB

To start off, here are the links to my previous posts about CouchDB: Relaxing on the Couch(DB) Installing the Couch(DB) PUTting the Couch(DB) in Your Living Room GETting Documents From CouchDB DELETE Documents From CouchDB Adding Attachments to a Document in CouchDB So far, we’ve mostly talked about managing documents in CouchDB. Now I want […]

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10 Jul

Adding Attachments to a Document in CouchDB

To start off, here are the links to my previous posts about CouchDB: Relaxing on the Couch(DB) Installing the Couch(DB) PUTting the Couch(DB) in Your Living Room GETting Documents From CouchDB DELETE Documents From CouchDB Today, I want to talk about how to create attachments for a document. Documents in CouchDB can have attachments just […]

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