1 Oct

More on SearchBlackBox

The more I think about this, the madder I get.  In light of my previous post where SearchBlackBox did nothing to improve upon Lucene.Net in order to take it commercial, I found and downloaded the last available code from the freely available open source space. Here it is. http://lucenedotnet.wz.cz/ If that link ever dies, I […]

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1 Oct

Lucene.Net vs. SearchBlackBox

This isn’t a post about the philosophical reasoning that lead the Lucene.Net developers to go commercial.  It is a post about how they are going about it. I happen to be involved in a project right now that I desperately wanted Lucene.Net for, and was shocked when I found that I could no longer get […]

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28 Sep

CodeSmith 2.6

Code Smith 2.6 just shipped.  Grab it here: http://www.ericjsmith.net/codesmith/ >> First impressions are that it is more professionally integrated into Visual Studio but my old standby templates for striongly typed collections are still there.  I have a feeling I should be doing more with this tool than that, but it is worth the price of admission […]

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22 Sep

Attending to the Blog

My posting has gone down considerably after starting my degree program.  I have to say that this is taking more work than I anticipated.  I suppose that is a good thing as it lends more weight to the credential that I am earning. The experience is interesting.  The work tends to be mostly writing papers […]

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19 Sep

Internal Marketing

I recently had an occasion to visit Microsoft and talk to a genuinely superb project team.  In the conference room that we were using for our discussions, there were several posters on the wall that had data flow type drawings on them along with other things. I looked a little closer at these full color […]

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15 Sep

Netflix and RSS

I love Netflix. I have been a member for over a year and I think it is just the best thing since peanut butter. These guys are figuring out ways to spend their capital from their IPO and have made some interesting moves lately, but their use of RSS was not one of the better […]

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13 Sep

Citation Generators

After writing papers for the University of Phoenix for a month now, I came very close to writing a little citation generator web page for my MLA style papers. Luckily, I looked first to see if any others existed and indeed there are many. Some of these engines will make citations for APA or MLA, […]

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10 Sep


You know you need an image editor. Yeah, yeah. You are a programmer, “I don’t DOOO art stuff.” Sure ya don’t. As I DO feel guilty about my useful but “borrowed” copy of Paint Shop Pro, I appreciated Scott Hanselman’s post about Paint.Net. I will try using this for awhile instead. It looks VERY well […]

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