10 Apr

Getting hacked and seven levels of indirection

OK, cat out of the bag here, Elegant Code got hacked.  Most likely because someone figured out a username/password on the site.   That is the boring part.  Blah blah blah, use strong passwords, make sure you don’t have sql injection, js injection, etc.  OK, onto the interesting part!   What did the hackers do with this […]

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7 Apr

Seeing the Team in the Code

Category:General PostTag: :

Conway’s Law reads: Any organization that designs a system (defined more broadly here than just information systems) will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure. While it has served as a fun adage since its introduction in 1968, recent studies show evidence that Conway’s Law exists. One such […]

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7 Mar

Windows 8 Tinkering

Category:General PostTag: :

I have been running Windows 8 Consumer Preview since it dropped, and I was running the Developer Preview before that. I was doing this on the metal of my X220T Lenovo. I gotta say, I dig it. I am not going into individual features or anything like that yet. Just sayin, I dig it. The […]

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