13 Aug

Keith Brown

Once upon a time, before PluralSight, I had a Developmentor Guerilla class where Keith Brown taught a few sections on security. I thought, “Huh. That’s kind of interesting” when he was done. Then I went a read some of his materials for some brush up. The prolific work of this guy amazed me. To this […]

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10 Aug

MS Assessments

Microsoft has published some little freebie try-it tests to test you technical prowess on a variaty of subjects. You know, it is about time. This just makes sense. When you are done with the test, you get a personalized study plan. Nice. Anyone try it yet? http://www.msmeasureup.com/test/home.asp

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9 Aug

Visual Studio Architect vs. Developer

This is a great picture to remember when someone asks you the differences in the Whidbeys. The differences between Architect and Developer do make me ask if anyone has ever known an architect that does NOT function as a Team Developer. Me either. Why then has MS left Testing and Code coverage out of the […]

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9 Aug

Training at Pluralsight

Having taken Guerilla courses from Developmentor when these guys where the trainers, I cannot say enough good things about the newly-formed training company, Pluralsight. Their first major class offering will be held at the Microsoft campus and is called “.Net Campsite – Server edition”. I am looking for ways to send several of our staff to this […]

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4 Aug

Coding on a VM

I have made the official shift to coding only within a Virtual Machine. I actually uninstalled Visual Studio from my base laptop and only have access to it through a VM. The straw that broke the camel’s back on this one was a Visual Studio add-in that corrupted my Visual Studio install. Reinstalling Visual Studio […]

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3 Aug


Here in Idaho, there are still a few cowboys. I am not one, but I do still dip snuff. I have been doing this nasty habit since I was 16, meaning that I have been dipping for over 1/2 of my life. It is time to stop for good. I am getting on the Tigger […]

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2 Aug

A HIPAA Compliant CD Shredder

I guess I can understand the point of this device, but HIPAA compliant? Is HIPAA really scaring people this badly? For those of us in the IT of Healthcare, HIPAA has changed a lot of things and lead to better design patterns, frankly, but how scared is too scared? The funny part is that in […]

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30 Jul

JetBrains ReSharper add-in

Matt Berther is in love with this Visual Studio add-in and having tried it several times during beta, I was glad when they released version 1. I learned about it from Matt’s blog. JetBrains has finally released version 1.0 of their fabulous ReSharper add-in. As before, I have run it for about a week and […]

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