16 Jul

MSN vs. Google Toolbars

Several days ago in this post, I wrote about the installation of the MSN toolbar into my life. One of the innocuous questions raised was “When a popup is blocked, who takes the credit?” The answer is, it depends, but usually Google takes credit for it. More importantly, which one did I just UNinstall? The […]

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15 Jul

Client Side ASP.Net Errors

I have always been bothered by needing to layout my error reporting with an asp:Label and then filling out the Tet property in red or something. I would prefer a windows style feedback like a Messagebox. So, extending Matt Berther‘s idea of base classes for ASP.Net pages, I added the following function to my base […]

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13 Jul

The BMW is gone

So the R100GSPD rode into the sunset tonight. I already miss it. Yeah, yeah, I wanted to get ride of it for the Tiger, but still… It is kinda like breaking up with a stupid and bitchy girlfriend with a smokin body. You are glad she’s gone, but part of you will miss the alone […]

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12 Jul

Rent your own Microsofty

Now don’t get me wrong, I am a Microsoft developer to the core. I embrace their new developer focused initiatives and think .Net is the greatest thing since, well, Java. With all of that, I still have to ask why in the world they have to make their product offerings so complex as to need […]

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12 Jul

asp:DataGrid Client-side Confirm Delete

I use this helpful article to come up with a nice client-side delete when deleting a row from an ASP.Net datagrid. http://authors.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/cd.aspx My resulting code: private void _dgProjectTypes_ItemCreated(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e) { switch( e.Item.ItemType ) { case ListItemType.Item: case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: case ListItemType.EditItem: TableCell myTableCell = e.Item.Cells[2]; Button myDeleteButton = (Button)myTableCell.Controls[0]; myDeleteButton.Attributes.Add(@”onclick”, @”return confirm(‘Are you sure […]

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9 Jul

U of Phoenix

As the manager of a software engineering team, one of my dirtiest little secrets is that I don’t have a degree. I have rarely regretted that fact, but it does irk me sometimes. With a 50% tuition reimbursement from my employer and the availability on on-line education, I guess it is time to deal with […]

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