7 Apr

Pluralcast 39 : T4 with Gareth Jones

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 Listen here! [41:15] Gareth Jones has chops. Tech chops, that is. He?s been around the .NET community making tools for developers for several years and one of those tools happens to be T4. That?s right, that T4, the Text Template Transformation Toolkit. More of us are stumbling across T4 lately, and after this episode, you […]

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2 Apr

Dynamically load embedded assemblies – because ILMerge appeared to be out.

At work, I started building a .net assembly that would probably find its way into a number of the server processes and applications around the shop. This particular assembly was going to end up containing quite a number of external open source references that I didn’t want to expose to the consumer of my library. […]

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21 Mar

Pluralcast 38 : Liam McLennan on JavaScript

Category:General PostTag: :

 Listen here! [34:45] In this episode, Liam McLennan clues us in on why JavaScript is becoming the cool old kid on the block and of course, Kate Gregory lays down some visual Studio Kung Fu. Liam McLennan Liam is a freelance web developer, working mostly with Microsoft tools and technology, based in Brisbane Australia. Since […]

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7 Mar

Pluralcast 37 : HTML 5 with Craig Shoemaker

Category:General PostTag: :

 Listen to this Episode! [30:24] You know that new technology you?ve been avoiding even though you know it is out there? Looming? Here it is! HTML 5 and it might not be what you think. Craig Shoemaker introduces us to HTML 5 and of course, Kate Gregory lays down some Visual Studio Kung Fu. Craig […]

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25 Feb

Book Review – Driving Technical Change: Why People on Your Team Don’t Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should

I already finished “Driving Technical Change” a few weeks ago, but I  got so caught up with other stuff that I almost forgot to actually sit down and write a review for it. I was very much looking forward to reading this book, and I must say that it certainly didn’t disappointed me. The author, […]

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