10 Jan

Pluralcast 33 : Catching up with Ken Schwaber

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 Listen Now! [47:22] This visit with Ken Schwaber brings us up to date on the latest thinking in Scrum and the latest developments over at Scrum.org. There are several new initiatives over at Scrum.org including the Professional Scrum Team Member program, which Pluralsight is a large part of. In addition to latest news, Ken addresses […]

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9 Jan

Bookmark to inject FireBug Light into Internet Explorer.

I?ve enjoyed Firebug in Firefox, and even find value in Firebug light when used in Internet Explorer. However if you don?t have control or don?t want to place the Firebug installation js file in your web site to include firebug. I figured out a way to load it on demand with a bookmark in Internet […]

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