14 Dec

Yes you can write Inline Code in XAML

A couple of days ago I was spreading the WPF goodness and was talking about how MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) helps promote separation of concerns by removing the need for the code-behind file from the associated XAML file.  After my statement someone replied with the following question, “So why even have it there, can you just delete […]

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9 Dec

Duplicate DOM elements with the same ID

This is a short post. Saving this snippet it for myself for later. If you ever have a html DOM element with a duplicate ID value, how do you detect the issue? It’s sometimes hard to find/debug until you really understand what has happened. Taking inspiration from the solution in the following stackoverflow question. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482763/jquery-to-check-for-duplicate-ids-in-a-dom […]

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30 Nov

Put This on Your Gift List

My friend and NimblePros founder, Steve Smith,  sent a fantastic holiday gift to me. I have it hanging on my wall and you should too! It?s a 2011 calendar of Software Craftsmanship. Very cool! The calendar has monthly themes of: Single Responsibility Principle, Dependency Inversion Principle, Common Closure Principle, Common Reuse Principle, Boy Scout Rule, […]

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17 Oct

OData’s DataServiceQuery and removing the .Expand(“MagicStrings”) –Part II

In a previous post I elaborated on the problem of magic strings in OData service queries, and gave a quick (but lacking in depth) statically typed helper solution. A commenter mynkow left a note stating that my solution would not work with nested objects. I initially replied asking if he could give an example (as […]

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