20 Dec

Migrating a Versionable ASMX Web Service to WCF

Creating a versionable ASMX Web Service is something that was really hard to do in .NET 1.1, mostly because it involved a lot of work and discipline. Creating versionable services has become quite easy with WCF because this is an out-of-the-box feature. But what about those web services you already created and that are being […]

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17 Dec

Is This A Good Approach For Multi-Tenancy Or Not?

Here’s the situation: we have an application which is used by multiple customers. The application consists of various functional modules. Each customer can use one or many (or obviously all) of these modules. In the past we used to deploy this application for each customer. The configuration file contained various settings that could differ from […]

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13 Dec

Dutch ALT.NET Meeting – 11 December 2008

Again lots and lots of interesting discussions during the recent Dutch ALT.NET meeting. My employer kindly lent us a nice meeting room to facilitate us geeks. Again, muchos gracias for that. Unfortunately, a number of people couldn’t make it but we did manage to talk about some AAA and BDD technicalities. The code we produced […]

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