12 Aug

ORM Value Reason #3982

OK, I should be using an ORM, I know.  So I’m using the opportunity to illustrate problems you WILL encounter when hand writing SQL. Spot the error here: 1: INSERT INTO ValueReading 2: IndexName, SketchId, Value, Color, MeterId, ModeId, MaterialId) 3: VALUES (@id,@index,@sketch,@color,@value,@meterId,@modeId,@materialId) Hint: look at the Value and Color columns.  And note: Color is […]

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6 Aug

Value Stream Mapping

Category:General PostTag: :

Note: Alan just finished recording an Elegant Code Cast with me that will be published later. I attended Alan Shalloway’s session at Agile 2008 on Value Stream Mapping. I have been wanting to pick up the skill of creating value stream maps for some time and this is a great introduction to the idea. Value […]

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