27 Mar

Channel 9 Finally Rocks

Who knew? Channel 9 finally turned into something cool. Here is the magic page: http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/ This page lists video and pod casts that recure regularly and actually have a schedule. Video casting may finally be worth something. I am subscribed to several of thm as of now, although I haven’t listened to anything yet. More […]

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27 Mar

Refactoring Physical Space

Intuitively, we all know that our physical workspace affects our productivity and effectiveness. If you had square footage, permission, time, and a budget, what sort of physical space would you build for your software development team? My team will soon be given a unique opportunity to define our physical workspace to best suit our Agile […]

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19 Mar

Boise Code Camp v1.0 Success

Today was amazing. The Code Camp experience was like nothing else I have ever attended. This was a cross between a Fawcette conference, a user group meeting, and a brown bag lunch training session. The quality of presentations was amazingly high and I definitely learned some things today. I particularly enjoyed Martin Danner‘s Software Factories […]

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18 Mar

Boise Code Camp v1.0

Tonight I attended the Boise Code Camp speaker’s dinner and I really would like to thank Cory Isakson and Jim McKeeth in particular for leading the charge to bring this event togather. It will be an honor to participate. See you tomorrow.

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13 Mar

Windows Applications in Console Mode

I am writing an application that needs to run in both a Windows forms mode and in a console application mode for scriptable operations. This is a reasonably common requirement form utilitarian applications like zip utils, installers, and other types of things. Indeed, one common way to get code under automated regression test is to […]

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11 Mar

VS 2005 – It’s the Little Things

As a pointy haired manager, I do not get to code anymore unless I forcibly pry a coding task from the unrelenting hands of the real developers around here. As a result, I am using VS2005 for the first time, really. So here’s something small, yet cool. When you rename a setting key name through […]

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7 Mar

All Mashed Up

The Wikipedia explanation for Mashups is: A mashup is a website or web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience. Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or API. Other methods of sourcing content for mashups include Web feeds (e.g. […]

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