11 Jul

Microsoft to Extend RSS

While listening to the TechPodCast.com podcast recorded at Gnomedex, I got to hear a recording of a session that was taped unofficially.  I was very interested to hear MS is going to make extensive use of RSS in the Longhorn platform, consuming them from the same part of the OS that currently does our Windows […]

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8 Jul

Object Oriented Page Redirection

This is a blatant ripoff of the show notes of the awesome podcast from Craig at the Polymorphic Podcast.  I am going to replicate some of his post here to talk about it in a different way.  Thank you, Craig for the idea in the first place. Basically, what Craig is right about is this: […]

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8 Jul

The Polymorphic Podcast

I have actually posted about this before, but that was before I really got a chance to listen to the show archives of The Polymorphic Podcast. This podcast has the most relevant content I have ever heard for the daily developer.  Craig is a consulting developer in Los Angeles and he talks us through practical […]

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4 Jul

The Dave Test

Joel Spolsky wrote an article back in 2000 outlining some basic questions to ask of an employer to gauge the effectively of a software development team.  The questions that he poses are still valid today and in addition to being good talking points during an interview, the ideas can help team managers like me look for […]

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3 Jul

New Bike

I bought a new bicycle yesterday.  I am so unworthy of this machine that it isn’t evn funny but I intend to work on that.  It sure is a blast to ride. The bike is a 2003 Giant NRS1 with a better components than it sold with.  Very cool. The sad part of this whole […]

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3 Jul


Newsgator apparently has a little competition on it’s hands.  An innocuous email came across the wire the other day pointing at this Outlook RSS aggregator, Attensa.  I installed it out of curiosity and I think I will keep it for the podcasting support. Looks like they are in public preview right now so I can only guess […]

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1 Jul

Pod Catching in iTunes – Review

Are you freakin’ kidding me?  First, Steve Jobs claims that iTunes will support podcasting, then mentions that only podcasts syndicated by iTunes will be supported.  Apple has actually shipped pod casting support in iTunes 4.9.  Luckily, Apple bowed to industry pressure and allows subscriptions to RSS feeds on the Internet. What They Got Right I […]

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21 Jun


My wonderful wife purchased a 4Gen 20G iPod for me for Father’s Day.  I love having it and so far I have listened to a lot of Pod Casts and Old Time Radio shows.  I am scraping OTR with Star Dowloader from www.rusc.com, which stands for Are You Sitting Comfortably.  I actually paid for a […]

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