4 Apr

Sony SNC-RZ30N Web Camera

We just bought one of these for our development team.  Our primary goal in purchasing this camera was to get the remote developers into the room and looking at the white board during design sessions. It will certainly do that.  The resolution on this camera is fantastic and it operates as advertised.  With a built […]

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29 Mar

Microsoft Technology Summit

Rick Ross, a founder of JavaLobby, recently attended the 2005 Microsoft Technology Summit and has provided a nicely done recap of the event.  Firstly, the content of the presentation is good.  It is interesting to hear how the big MS is actively managing its competition. Secondly, I am truly impressed with the Flash engine that […]

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29 Mar

Dvorák Keyboards

I thought I had heard it all.  OK, maybe not all, but I have heard a lot and this is a new one on me. The Dvorák one handed keyboard.  Apparently the point of this contraption is to leave one hand free for the mouse. I wonder if I have heard it all yet.

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28 Mar


I must first admit that this is not my find, it is credited to one of my team members, but I thought it peculiar enough to mention here. When applying the xml:space=”preserve” attribute in an XML instance, it causes the DOM that loads the document to behave accordingly (mostly). If the XML is loaded and […]

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28 Mar

The Pattern Dude

Being a co-worker of Matt Berther‘s, I certeinly enjoy his contributions to the blog space.  He has, over the last few months, taken a particular interest in noting and documenting simple design patterns that we all tend to forget when we are neck deep into code and rarely implement until we wish we had the […]

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28 Mar


Although I usually use Newsgator as my RSS aggregater, I thought I would see what else is out there.  Newsgator has broadened their focus to try and get your RSS feeds to follow you around to multiple devices and other such hooey, so I decided to poke around.  Reading within MS Outlook is pretty much […]

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23 Mar

Mew MSDN Subscriptions

A lot of hay has been made over the new MSDN licensing programs that include Team System licenses. Before I just throw out a wholesale, “That’s BS, man!” I am going to wait to see what Team System would truly mean for our team.  My team and I are going to attend VS Live this […]

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