8 Dec

Tool List 2008

I recently received the opportunity to reinstall my operating system on my work laptop.  Good times, completely hosed.  So I thought I would take a moment to document what went back onto my laptop after the format and reinstall.  Essentially, this is my productivity tools list. Operating system Windows Vista.  I’ll take some flack for […]

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6 Jun

Data Dude Extensibility – How IBM integrated DB2 into Visual Studio

I am sitting in a room at Tech Ed 208 with about 15 people who got up early enough for this session. I am blown away there aren’t more people in here, but I guess the after-party at Universal Studios last night kept people in bed late this morning. This session is a joint presentation […]

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2 Jun

NDepend – Static Analysis Made in Heaven

What is elegant code? Everyone agrees that this is a rather subjective topic. I wrote down my take on this matter not so long ago. Almost every developer out there (an probably myself included) thinks that their own code is the greatest thing since sliced bread and that code written by other developers is just, […]

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