11 Feb

Boise Code Camp 2.0 in the Bag

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The second annual Boise Code Camp went off with very few hitches yesterday.  As part of the organizing crew, I would very much like to thank this year’s Camp Director, Chris Brandsma for getting us all going. Most importantly I want to thank this year’s presenters and attendees.  It was another great camp!

I have to admit that I got off easy this year in terms of my session.  I lamely hosted a panel discussion on methodology and didn’t fire up an IDE all day.  I am totally ashamed and I promise that next year I will do better :).

I got my first exposure to Ruby yesterday.  I have to admit that what I saw was genuinely intriguing, but not awe-inspiring.  I am still not sure what the fuss is all about.  That said, I was intrigued enough to promise myself to write some Ruby code.  More on that later, maybe.

Another take-away from the event was that Code Camps need more beginner sessions.  Michelle Grood presented a SQL for Beginners class and it was very well attended.  The 40 or so people in the room convinced me that we are not just trying to connect with seasoned programmers here, but hobbyists and young people, too.  I am seriously considering putting together a set of ________ for Beginners sessions and taking them to Portland, Seattle, and next year’s Boise Camp.  Thanks for the epiphany Michelle.

Lastly, thanks to our sponsors.  We were able to give away XBoxes and a Zune and several high dollar component libraries.

I am looking forward to next year.